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Build remote engineering teams with the world’s top talent.

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Top Talents - Seamless hiring and onboarding process

We offer you an easy process for hiring the right talents for your team

Lower costs for higher quality talents

Hiring top Egyptian tech talents can cost you less than a quarter of what you would pay.

Save the money when you don’t have work

We offer pay-as-you-go packages if you are on a budget, want to get an MVP for your idea, or get more features.

Code review, ensuring quality

Our success team works together with yours to ensure code quality and best practices.

About Us

we are a group of techies and business people who have been working with tech companies in MENA and Europe for the past 10 years,  and we want to bridge the gap between outsourcing tech talents and ensure client and talent satisfaction, It’s not about recruiting but also performance management.

Different Technologies, Same Top Quality

Whatever the stack you are using. We will make sure our team will bring you quality work, commitment and right attitude

Frontend Software Engineers

React.js, Angular, Svelte, Flutter Web

Backend Software Engineers

Node.js, Java, .Net Core, Ruby

Mobile Software Engineers

Flutter, Android, IOS, React Native

Hassle-free Process


Get in touch

Let us know what you want and which stack/tech you are using.


Meet selected and interviewed candidates

Interview a pre-selected and interviewed candidates who we think can fit with your requirements.


Add resources in your teams, Smoothly

We will provide all the assistance needed for smooth handover as well as assuring work quality by regular code reviews and collecting feedback from managers.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or want to have a call to discuss your needs, ping us, we are here to support